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my rituals: stephanie brownlow

by naked team |

Self-care is community care. We believe that when we focus on our well being we are able to take care of others. My Rituals is an interview series that explores individual definitions of self-care and the rituals that define you. We want to bring light to the different paths and unique ways others preserve balance in their life to inspire you, our community, to appreciate your individuality — everyone needs different things.



"I think what’s different now, in comparison to when I was younger, is that I don’t feel like it’s all on me."


When I was a kid I did a lot of performing, danced, went to broadway camp, and was certain I would be a popstar - tbh I’m still disappointed that I’m not. Instead I have a degree in Criminology and I’ve worked in Fashion for most of my career, which is also where I’ve met a lot of my closest friends (on the retail sales floor).

I spent my 20s hyper focused on work, pushing to “show people what I can do”. I did a lot of jobs (from buying, merchandising, product development and brand marketing) and everything I tried, from my very first role, gave me the tools and perspective to run my own business, which I do today. Reflecting on it, I had a lot more insecurities then as I was finding my own POV. I was dealing with some hard stuff in my personal life that I simply had no clue how to navigate and doing a good job in the workplace gave me something to put my focus on. It also validated my voice when inside it was feeling super shaken.


"I’m also way more comfortable fucking up and not holding things too tightly, cause not everything is meant for you, and you can’t ruin what is."

Now in my 30s I feel like I’m settling into myself, my skin, my day-to-day. I think what’s different now, in comparison to when I was younger, is that I don’t feel like it’s all on me. There’s a foundation beneath me and I have such an incredible network to lean on; I can ask for help in my personal and professional lives. I feel blessed to have the people around me that I do; family, friends and the team @ Carry Corp. all truly want to show up for each other. I’m also way more comfortable fucking up and not holding things too tightly, cause not everything is meant for you, and you can’t ruin what is.

I keep a list in my phone of possible memoir titles and my favourite (today) is Don’t Let the Rhinestones Fool You, the Stephanie Brownlow Story.

"In this climate? Self-care means keeping my sanity while keeping myself home."

To me “self care” means noticing when I’m pushing myself too hard, or being mean to myself for needing to take some space. Acknowledging the productivity vs. laziness angel/devil on my shoulder. I once saw a tweet that said do you love yourself with your own love languages? And Damn. A reminder for me to give me some quality time and words of affirmation!
Really, this year has felt like an accelerated course in self development. I do therapy (individual and group) on zoom and doing that work, after, feels like I’m taking a backpack off. Meditation, journaling - I gotta do it every day. I also have a pink rhinestone karaoke mic that I pick up daily and belt into; Wait for It (Hamilton the Musical) and Million Reasons (Lady Gaga) are my hottest tracks and an afternoon performance lifts my spirits.

"When the challenges in this world feel heavy, and hope feels low, it can be hard to know what the next right action is. I gotta connect with other people and get some perspective."

Social media can throw me off; it’s too easy to go down a rabbit hole and come out feeling like I need to do/have/be more so I try to avoid it. Swap IG with reading a Hunter Harris newsletter, the LOLs in the team Slack or the pal group chat, and I’m happier.

Also, TV is a great solution when I need to *realign*. I’m in awe of those who are great performers and storytellers, and after a lil binge I feel a push of creative inspiration myself. Lately this has come from shows like Ted Lasso and Drag Race. I’ve also been re-watching the Sopranos and reading along with old episode critiques which have been so interesting.


My biggest learning thus far: you can change your mind!!! OMG you can change your mind. About what you want to do, what you like, what you think you’re good at, how you want to show up in this world. Things can change, you can change.